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  • Thursday 12 January 2017

    "Naina's Drunken Drama On BUS " Pardes Mein hai Mera Dil UMT 12th Jan Video+WU

    Written Update

    Naina gets drunk, Both Naina and Raghav Outside on Road and she does lots of hungama in the snow plain chiffon Georgette .. she is so affected by Veer's taunts that she has made up her mind to prove ehr brother innocent .. in order to do that she hides into the boot of a car of Mehra family . raghav discovers her and pulls her out , but she catches the chill and he offers her some wine . 

    strangely raghav does not attempts to snatch away that bottle from her as she goes on drinking 

    offscreen says she was feeling chilly , he runs inside to grab he rjackt but when he returns he finds her busy consuming alcohol to beat the chill . he agrees to it this wine has been given by Raghav to beat the chill but she over does it .

    offscreen they reveal how they enjoyed shooting this scene an they actually had fun and mast .. the scene was shot with many cameras at various angles and they did the shot in one go and it was very realistic

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